How to teach a toddler to talk — 7 Easy home remedies for late talking child

Pooja Malkani
8 min readOct 11, 2022


When your toddler doesn’t talk or has just 20–30 words, it can be difficult to figure out what they want till there language development is complete. There are so many things that toddlers can’t yet say and it can be frustrating for them as well as their parents. You may find yourself being able to understand your child most of the time but every now and again you just don’t know what they want. So how to teach a toddler to talk? Here are 7 tips on how you can help stimulate their vocabulary and make talking fun for them

The process of learning speech is known as ‘vocabulary development. This is because there are different words used to describe features of speech such as phonology, lexicon and morphology. Having a strong vocabulary is essential for social communication in all areas of life, from home to school and beyond.

What age is a toddler supposed to talk?

Toddler talking is a topic that receives many different answers. The most common answer is that toddlers should be talking by 18 months. However, this is not always the case. Some children talk early, while others reach their set age and stop speaking. There are also many other factors that determine when your child will start to talk. These include-

  • Experience — A child who has constant interaction with adults in their environment will begin to speak sooner than one who does not.
  • Environment — A child who has access to multiple types of stimulation (both inside and outside of their home) will begin to speak sooner than one who does not have access to these things.
  • Being read to often — Toddlers are very excited to hear the sounds of their name being called out, and they will begin to speak soon after hearing their name for the first time.
  • Stress — If a toddler is under a lot of stress in his life, he may begin to show signs of distress, which can lead to him speaking earlier than normal.

Is it normal for 2 year old not talking?

Most children do not speak their first words right away. Some might talk a lot and others might be quiet. Most children learn everything at their own pace. A 2 year old who does not talk can still communicate by using baby sign language facial expressions, gestures, and sounds. It is important to keep an eye out for signs of speech delay, such as not pointing or imitating sounds, because these are early warning signs that your child might need help in learning how to talk.

When it comes to talking, it’s also normal for a two year old to babble and chit chat with family members. If your toddler is not making any sense, you may want to look at speech therapy for evaluation. Sometimes late talkers need time but it is important for parents to identify language delays and connect with speech-language pathologist if necessary.

What causes a child not to be able to talk?

It is important to consider all potential causes of not being able to talk. There are a wide range of issues that can affect a child’s ability to talk, and it is important for parents to be aware of any of these possible factors. The most common causes of not being able to talk in children include physical problems with the child’s mouth and teeth, such as teeth problems or speech problems.

Another common cause is a hearing problem, which can cause a child not be able to hear when they want to talk. Other possible causes include developmental delays, brain injuries, and other medical conditions. It is important for parents to be aware of any possible causes of not talking and take steps if necessary.

7 Ways on how to teach a toddler to talk

If your child has difficulty talking, it can be worrying and frustrating. You might feel like you’re failing as a parent and that they’ll struggle throughout their lives because of it. But don’t worry, this is very common among parents of toddlers who don’t speak much. Fortunately, there are many ways to help your toddler talk and other developmental milestones faster than usual. Here are 7 home remedies for late talking child -

Talk to your toddler constantly

A great way to help your toddler learn to talk is by talking to them as much as you can. All throughout the day, try to engage in conversation with your toddler. When you’re out in public, keep the conversation going. The best way to communicate is to use short sentences or simple sentences. Always keep eye contact to gain your child’s attention. You may not be able to understand their words, but you can still engage them by making silly noises, etc. This way, your toddler will learn that communication skills is an ongoing process and not just a one-time thing.

It’s also a good idea to ask your child questions. This will help them learn how to respond to questions as well as how to form sentences with their words. Keep the conversation going even when your child doesn’t say anything back to you. If you stop talking when your child doesn’t respond, then they will learn that silence is the only response expected.

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Have ongoing communication with your toddler

Besides having short, one-off conversations with your toddler, make sure to have ongoing communication with them. You don’t have to have the same conversation every day, but you can expand on previous conversations. If your toddler told you they like to swim when you went to the park yesterday, you could say that you like swimming too. This will let your toddler know that you’re not just interested in one-offs but in ongoing communication. This type of communication will help your toddler’s vocabulary grow and develop.

Talk to them about their everyday activities like screen time, nursery rhymes, picture book, familiar objects, etc. You don’t want to just focus on one or two subjects; instead, you want to expand your conversation to include different subjects. This will help your toddler learn different words and expand their vocabulary.

Play vocabulary word games

Another excellent way to help your toddler learn to talk is to play vocabulary games with them. When your child is very young, you can play games that are based around making animal noises. With young children, you can add new games to help expand child’s vocabulary. You can play word games like Scrabble or Boggle (not Go Fish!). This will help your toddler understand how the game works and what they have to do to win. You could also play some educational computer games designed to help children learn to talk and enhance your child’s speech.

You can also make up games that revolve around specific words. For example, if your child is learning the word “doggie,” you could make a game out of hiding a small stuffed dog around the house while your child is playing. Then, when they find the dog, they have to say, “I found the doggie!” This will help them learn the simple words and use it in a sentence. It is important to focus on single words and simple instructions.

Let your child see and hear you talking to others

Another excellent way to help your toddler learn to talk is to let them see and hear you talking to others. Let them see you talking to the other adults in your life or your child care provider. If you are in a child care facility, make sure to talk to the other adults who work there so your child can hear you speak. If you work from home, make sure to talk to your child and others as much as possible. Let your child see you talking on the phone as well.

Let your child see you talking to people on the phone so they can hear your voice and learn how language works in real life. Letting your child see you talking to others will help them learn the appropriate times to use certain words and phrases. Additionally, let your child see you reading books. When they are very young, they may not understand what you are reading, but they will see the words and can begin to learn how language works in written form. As they grow older, they can start reading the books to themselves and using them to learn new vocabulary.

Introduce reading

Another excellent way to help your toddler learn to talk is to let them see and hear you reading books. Even if your child is too young to understand the words in the book, they can still learn new vocabulary. Introduce picture books or board books. Once your child is old enough to understand the words in a book, they can use them in their own speech. Letting your child see you reading a variety of different books will help them learn different words and expand their vocabulary. Here are easy ways to introduce reading

Additional books you can read to your toddler include books about letters, numbers, colors, shapes, and more. This will help your toddler learn more about the world around them and expand their vocabulary. It also helps in promoting love of reading books. Reading aloud and listening the sound of your voice also helps in better understanding of words.

Encourage pretend play

Another fun way to help your toddler learn to talk is to encourage them to engage in pretend play. When your child is pretending to do something, they have to use language to tell their friends what they are doing. Letting your child play with dolls or other toys that require them to use language will help them learn and expand their vocabulary.

You can also help your child expand their vocabulary by letting them talk by use of imagination. If your toddler is playing with dolls or other toys and they start to use language, don’t stop them. Let them talk and use the words they are trying to say. This will let your toddler know that they can talk whenever they want and it is okay. This also promotes independent play and creative thinking

Help by providing age-appropriate toys and games

Another excellent way to help your toddler learn to talk is to help them by providing them with age-appropriate toys and games. If your child is playing with toys that are too advanced for them, they will be too frustrated to learn because they will not be able to understand how to use the toy. If your child is playing with toys that are too simple, they will not be able to expand their vocabulary or learn new words. Make sure to select toys and games that will help your child expand their vocabulary and learn new words.

Focus on importance of play in toddler years. You can find toys and games that are intended for helping children learn to talk by reading online reviews and talking to friends with toddlers. Once you find toys and games that will help your toddler learn to talk, make sure your child has plenty of opportunities to play with them so they can learn.


Toddlers are active and curious and are always eager to learn new things. That is why it is the perfect time to start helping them learn how to talk. There are many ways that you can help your toddler learn to talk. All you have to do is talk to them and use the correct language. Develop your child’s interests by introducing toys, picture books, screen time etc. that could help your late-talking child.

Originally published at on October 11, 2022.



Pooja Malkani
Pooja Malkani

Written by Pooja Malkani

A mom blogger, a minimalist, a traveler, a foodie, a writer, an investor, an amateur astronomer.... I just love my life :)

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